Unfortunately, under Guile 1.8.7, it doesn't segfault, but instead shows
"undefined:0:0" (w/o the change to use ‘SCM_OPINPORTP’). Likewise, w/
the patch applied.
I get the same result as you. Mine is a slightly different case.
In yours, the port is #<undefined> instead of #<closed: file 0>, I think.
The original error was something like the code below.
Obviously, you'd need to send a UDP packet to 1069
to make the error happen.
(define (serv1-handle-request socket binary size)
;; Make sure the config file is closed
;; Doubly-define a port to cause a serveez guile error
(define-port! 'serv2-port `((proto . udp)
(port . 1070)
(ipaddr . *)))
(define-port! 'serv2-port `((proto . udp)
(port . 1071)
(ipaddr . *)))
'((prefix . "serv1")
(description . "server error test")
(handle-request . serv1-handle-request)
(configuration . ())))
(define-port! 'serv1-port `((proto . udp)
(port . 1069)
(ipaddr . *)))
(define-server! 'serv1-server)
(bind-server! 'serv1-port 'serv1-server)